Saturday, January 9, 2010

Saturday, January 9


  1. Gotta agree about Dollhouse, it's been getting really good with this season. I suppose it's because Fox gave them a chance to finish off this season/the series before they cancel it, so they just kicked the story into lightspeed... Kinda bittersweet, but I suppose it's better than cancelling after a cliffhanger (like Terminator).

  2. Did you see this past week's episode yet? I watched it the other night, and my reaction was pretty much the same as yours in that last panel.

  3. My cousin was in last week's episode of Dollhouse, no joke. Apparently she was the girl talking at a lunch table that was interrupted by main character? This is how my mother described it to me; I haven't seen it yet.

  4. @Shadowgear: Yes, I prefer lightspeed to sudden cancellation :-/

    @Tug: YES!!! I have a panel about it on the page from Sunday, when I saw 'Getting Closer'.

    @MollyInSite: That's a big part! Awesome!! :D
