Monday, January 30, 2012

First page for sale online

I took my Etsy shop off of vacation mode today and listed an original page from Between Gears!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

T minus one month!

Hi, guys! Here's an update on the Between Gears book:

The Pedal Powered Talk Show just uploaded the episode featuring Emi Lenox and me talking about Emitown V2 and Between Gears. Give it a watch for some Q&A, a drawing challenge, and lots of fun.
Also, it will explain this:

I am doing an art show with Ms. Emi at Floating World Comics on February 2 as a part of First Thursday. I will display 8 originals from the book and some new illustrations. They will all be for sale. I haven't decided how to handle selling the rest of the pages yet, but if there is one you have reeeeeeally been wanting to buy, please get in contact with me via e-mail and let's work something out before I make them available.

Now how about a new preview from the book? Here are two chapter breaks, which will be in the art show:

Just one month left! :D