Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Between Gears is an autobiographical comic that covers my senior year of college (September 2009 - June 2010), with one comic page for each day.

You can read the entire comic here as it was first published--a free webcomic on Blogger.  If you prefer SmackJeeves' navigation, you can also read the comic there.

Image Comics published a trade paperback collecting the entire comic plus 30 pages of new material in February, 2012. You can buy the book on Amazon, but please consider going to your local comic shop to buy it. You can skip the shipping costs and the wait, and more of your money will go to supporting the comics industry. :)

Yes, there are two printing errors in the book.  I'm very sorry about it.  November 5 is missing, and so is May 11.  Luckily, all of the pages are still available on this blog!  I have seen some clever book mods by people who printed these pages out and folded them into their comics.  If we ever make it to a second printing, you can be sure we'll fix it.

You can follow me on Facebook or Twitter for information and news about other projects.


Thank you to my readers for all of your interest, feedback, and encouragement throughout the two years that I have been drawing Between Gears and posting it here. This has been an extremely enjoyable project, and it's largely thanks to your positive involvement. I hope that I have been able to give you a satisfying comic! I have many more projects planned and in the works, so I hope that you will stick with me in my future ventures. :)

Thank you to everyone who graciously allowed me to use their likenesses in the comic. Your faces are a relief to see and were a relief to draw in a sea of panels of my face. I hope that I remembered our times together properly.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Release Party Wrap-Up

The release party was excellent! Bridge City Comics did a great job hosting:

I did a raffle for a copy of the book or commission:

A bunch of my friends came. Here's Cat Farris:

A lot of people participated in this yearbook-style guest book! I LOVE IT!

The shop sold out of books and I brought exactly the right number of jell-o shots. :)

Friday, February 17, 2012


Ooooookay boys and girls, my comps arrived yesterday, and that means it's time for a giveaway!

Here is my challenge to you:

Who can identify the Ghibli reference from May 21? First person to e-mail me ( the film and scene wins a copy of Between Gears or fan art for that movie, your choice! (The quote translates to, "My eyes...! My eyes!!")

Good luck! :D

EDIT: We have a winner! Christian knew it was Muska's line in this scene from Laputa. :)

Aaaaaaaand here's some fan art for the prize:

Monday, January 30, 2012

First page for sale online

I took my Etsy shop off of vacation mode today and listed an original page from Between Gears!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

T minus one month!

Hi, guys! Here's an update on the Between Gears book:

The Pedal Powered Talk Show just uploaded the episode featuring Emi Lenox and me talking about Emitown V2 and Between Gears. Give it a watch for some Q&A, a drawing challenge, and lots of fun.
Also, it will explain this:

I am doing an art show with Ms. Emi at Floating World Comics on February 2 as a part of First Thursday. I will display 8 originals from the book and some new illustrations. They will all be for sale. I haven't decided how to handle selling the rest of the pages yet, but if there is one you have reeeeeeally been wanting to buy, please get in contact with me via e-mail and let's work something out before I make them available.

Now how about a new preview from the book? Here are two chapter breaks, which will be in the art show:

Just one month left! :D